
Posts Tagged ‘Writers group’

Where in the world are you with writing? As a Christian writer, this question is a two-edged sword. It makes me think of the call to evangelize, and to “Be in the world, not of it.”

That statement has aways perplexed me. This morning, I asked God, “What exactly does that look like? And by the way, Jesus, did you know that when I’m in the world, not of it, I stand out like a sore thumb?”

In fact, just yesterday I shared with a family member that I have lost business, been rejected as a Christian without due cause, and even removed from work associations just by promoting my beliefs on social media.

Not to mention the spiritual warfare that has come my way too. I have felt alone and isolated in my writer journey. This makes me wonder who else is out there feeling that way too?

I wonder if other Christian writers that work and need to make a living find it to be challenging? Does the idea of writing about your faith perplex you on “How to…” become known? Increase followers? Build an audience? Sell your books? Have you been writing about your faith waiting on God to make you known, but the process has moved slowly– and not so surely?

I think that the answer lies in our action as a community of faith. We have to love in action that shows.

How can the community of faith can come through to support one another?

Get to know other Christian writers. Fellowship. Attend a conference. Download e-books written by Christian writers you meet at them. Support their like pages. Write positive reviews. Give a voice to a voice in the wilderness to show that they walk not alone. They have a family to love them as they answer their calling.

Helping you write your calling,

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